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Al Caucci Fly Fishing
1250 Winterdale Road
Starlight, PA, 18461
Phone : 1 ( 570 ) 635 - 5897
email : alcaucci@hancock.net
Tackle Tips
Fly Rods, Reels and Lines
There is a lot of excellent flyfishing equipment on the market today, including rods
made by G. Loomis, Sage, Powell, Scott and Reddington; reels by Loomis, Sci Angler,
Lamson, and Aaron. I also prefer lines made by Sci Angler, Rio, Teeny, and Wulff.
Rod and reel technology today is incredible compared to 8 or 10 years ago due to intensive
research and development and production engineering. Americans can be proud of their
flyfishing industry - they produce the best flyfishing equipment in the world.
Special credit should be given to G. Loomis and Sage for their cutting edge efforts in
developing new light weight materials and tapers that cast easily. I tend to favor them
because of their accomplishments in high modulus technology. Special credit must go to the
G. Loomis Company for their new GLX rods - they are amazingly light and quick casting
tools. They load easily in the backcast, making them easy to cast for anglers at all
In the reel department, Sci Angler and Lamson manufacture exceptional reels priced below
$200. The new Loomis Syncrotech reels are quickly becoming my favorites for large
trout, salmon, and bonefish. These reels are listed in the $235 to $300 range.
Aaron, however, is still my favorite for a top of the line reel. These hand
machined reels provide strength, beauty, and durability, accompanied with a Nylatron
compression drag system which will not degrade over time and temperature like other drag
systems maufactured with cork or small metal armatures
Big river, hatch-match fishing and flyfishing for bonefish demand the very best in
equipment to obtain long, accurate casts - powerful, yet delicate. Accuracy, delicacy and
long drag-free floats are a prerequisite to successful Delaware fishing for wild trout.
Rivers like the Missouri, Henry's Fork and the Clark Fork demand the same!
I have spent the last several decades evaluating and recommending flyfishing equipment
for anglers at all levels - from beginner to expert. Our goal is that when an angler
attends one of my programs, he or she leaves a better caster and flyfisher with a better
knowledge of equipment. We will make it easier for you to obtain that goal if you follow
some simple advice.
- Never buy a rod or outfit unless you try it first or better yet, fish it!
- Never assume that the person behind the counter knows what you need in flyfishing
- Make sure that all your questions are answered to your satisfaction before you make the
final decision to purchase.
In the future we will delve further into rods, reels, lines, waders, rain jackets and
other items. I will try to give you the benefit of my experience with this equipment - the
pros and the cons of it all!
All the colors needed to match over 95% of the hatches in North America. The only major
dubbing system that truly matches insect colors when wet. Easy to dub, premium rabbit fur
with almost all the guard hairs removed. Spectrumized mixture of primary colors simulates
natural look better than flat, one-color dyed dubbing. Each pack lists: color; common and
scientific names of insects; the stage (nymph, dun, emerger or spinner) and color chip
number as listed in the Caucci/Nastasi Fly Tyer's Color Guide. 16 individual colors as
Pale Gray |
Lt. Yellow Brown |
Yellow Brown |
Mahogany Brown |
Pink |
Cream/Tan |
Charcoal |
Red Brown |
Dark Olive |
Pale Yellow |
Medium Olive |
Med. Olive Brown |
Cream |
Olive |
Greenish Yellow |
Pale Olive |
Dark Brown |
Apple Green |
b |
b |
In the past we often couldn't buy quality coastal deer hair to tie Compara-flies, so we
started processing our own. This is not just another coastal deer hair, but specially
selected and processed to be the easiest to tie, best floating hair you've ever used or
your money back. Absolutely the best for tying all hair wing dries. Colors are Light, Medium and Dark.
Miscellaneous Equipment
You need an efficient way to pick insects off the surface of the water. I use the white
epoxy coated metal insect strainer listed below and consider it as one of the most
important items attached to my vest. I attach it to a heavy duty zinger (item #906) and
keep it at waist level. I can grab the strainer and scoop a fly off the water in a second.
It's mandatory to see the fly close up if your aim is to be a successful hatch-matcher.
You'll also need a landing net
cover, which turns your landing net into a mini seine, to catch the nymphs when you
"kick up" the stream bottom. After you identify which nymphs have swollen and
dark wing cases and are "ready to hatch", refer to HATCHES II for hatch times,
imitations and fishing tactics.
To look at the insects you capture, you'll need medium power magnifiers. Both of our
magnifiers are very light and compact for stream side carrying, with several magnification
Water temperature is vital information for fishing. For example, hatches start in the
spring when the water temperature is around 50 F.. Hatches taper off at around 68 F. -
Fish when the water is above 75 F.. and you'll kill almost every fish you catch and
release. Remember, if you catch a fish at a cold spring hole and he runs into warmer water
to fight, the effect is the same-Death! - Use a quick-read thermometer!